It has been a few days ago since I video-called with my parent, just because my dad's laptop hard disc has burnt out. When will be the hard disc drive ready? I can't wait for it already! T.T I miss home more when I'm alone, but I can't call back because it's expensive, even a sms will cost me 100yen =.=" Dad, mum, sisters and my baby dog, what are you all doing now? What about you Ming Yeow? Having fun at home with JJ? Arghhh envy so much~ T.T
I was so glad that one of my friend suggested to have a chocolate fondue gathering yesterday, and we had our wonderful chocolate eating last night, hooray! I'm well known as someone who's so keen on chocolate among my friends, oh my god! There was a day when my friend entered the elevator where I was there as well, my friend claimed that he smelled chocolate, then the others spontaneously looked at me =.=" Everyday I tell myself not to spend on chocolate but I fail to do so ... I don't know how am I going to survive without chocolate someday, but I keep telling myself to eat less so that I can save money to go home, lolx =)

Katsudon カツ丼~
(I ate 3 big apples on that noon =.=")
Lunch at school cafeteria (buffet type, take anything you like).
Mc Pork of McDonalds in Japan =)
Sundae cup (slightly different taste of Vanilla).

Just found this photo in my laptop.
Dad (on seafood eating day when I was still in Penang).
Dad & Baby!

Mum and Baby! (same clothes? =p)
Sis Hedy with her nice nice drawings.

Sis and Derrick.

Sis Olivia with? lolx!

Ming Yeow & me.

Was eating icecream together with him =)
Me & Adina from Romania.
Plamena from Bulgaria & me.
Me & Esther from Singapore.
My sensei & classmates.
Outside the campus.
One of the campus entrance.
Add oil add oil! Cory コーリ!