Saturday, May 30, 2009


自从来到日本, 我的blog&facebook每次只有一大堆的食物,
我喜欢拍照, 喜欢拍风景照, 但这手机照相机拍得不怎么美丽,

看看别人的blog, 再看看自己的, 有时候在想自己的blog是不是很闷,
朋友们想知道关于什么的, 有意见吗?
除了食物, 难道我就没有别的东西写了吗?

离乡背井来到这儿, 想念家人&朋友,
或许这是一种逃避, 但总比没有解决方案好一些不是吗?
我没有心情故事写, 这代表着我过得好好的不是吗?...

再好吃的, 再好玩的,
如果只是我一个人在享受, 我宁愿不要拥有这一切.
回家与家人一起吃好吃的, 到处走走等.

21岁了, 还这么粘家, 不会照顾自己吗?
但一旦有人让我依靠, 我就不想做独立的那个自己,
其实自己的思想还真的是老到烂, 为什么这么说呢?

"How old do you look? Answer: 65

You pretty much have experience all there is to life. Life, death, love, lost—you name it and you’ve felt it. You carry an old and wise soul and have a lot of advise to offer to those who listen. Though you’re a seasoned veteran at this thing called life, don’t be too hasty to throw in the towel just yet! Who knows what may just around the corner?" XD

学校附近的面包店买的, 好好吃!喜欢在冷天气吃冰淇淋 =)懒惰虫随便买的便当.好大的富士苹果.105yen 而已, 又大又便宜又好吃!

日本的subway - Cajun Chicken.
总觉得这里的还蛮小个的, 不是很饱.

hmm, 或许吧, 等我存钱买照相机之后,

*我只想把自己的快乐与你们分享, 把烦恼抛到九霄云外去吧! XD*

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Multicultural Communication Lesson

Multicultural Communication lesson? Ya, in Japanese, it's called as 多文化コミュニケーション. It's a special lesson for us to get to know some foreign cultures and different types of communication since all of us come from different countries so it's better to learn something to help you better in dealing with others.

Well, we are requested to have a 3 minutes presentation about your home country culture. My presentation was on last Friday, and I chose to talk about Chinese New Year in Malaysia. Three minutes is actually too short to talk about this important festival, so I just focused on the reunion dinner we used to have on new year eve. I was searching some photos from internet, the more I searched, the more I miss home...

Although my life here is good, I don't have to worry much other than my studies, got nice food here, and it's quite safe, but I have some thoughts that, I will go back to Malaysia after I graduated. 20 years in Penang versus 5 years in Japan, which weighs more? Many people are disappointed with many things in Malaysia especially the political issues, but I just know that, that's my home country, nothing is better than your own place right? At least, we are all having the same cultures, using the same languages, right?

Wooo! So hardworking nia =p During my presentation. Can you see the photo on the screen?
*Reunion Dinner - steamboat*
Was trying to explain more to them.Sharing stories about Chinese New Year Festival.

Today is "Bak Zhang Day" (I like to call it this way =p). I miss bak zhang and Malaysia food so badly. Not only because I 馋嘴, but everytime I see something related to Malaysia, I feel so warm, ya that's the nice feeling that I always want.

Last but not least,
「 端午节快乐 」

(.... 没有粽子的端午节又怎么能快乐呢?....)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

馋嘴 T.T

结果刚才吃了2个苹果后, 去了100円店买了这些,

"一不小心", 那整bar巧克力+整盒Choco饼干就不知不觉吃进肚子里了,
3大盒的Ghana Toppo呢?还好只吃了半盒=.="
相信明天开始就会从镜子中看见小叮当的"转变过程"吧! T.T

好希望自己可以改掉这个坏习惯, 每次一吃就吃个不停,
不懂现在的健康状况有多么的差... ~~~
有时候在想, 什么时候自己的健康会亮红灯呢?...

赖可欣! 醒醒吧!!!

(馋嘴的后果, 现在喉咙有点痛了! T.T)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

You, the only you

I am glad that you can always online and chat with me. Although we are about 5300km far apart from each other, I believe that distance will not keep us further apart as long as we remember each other all the time. Yes, I believe we can go through all the obstacles together, right?

You must be suprised to see this. Never expect me to capture it right?
Thanks for accompanying my family most of the time.
*I miss you*

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Welcome Party & Kichijoji Outing

Welcome Party 14 May 2009
東京外国語大学留学生教育センター 2009年度歓迎交流会
After one and a half month being in Japan, finally we had our welcome party. This welcome party was specially made for all of us under this MEXT scholarship, 52 pre-undergraduates and 21 research students. Of course, the most interesting thing of the welcome party is FOOD! (again =p) Guess what, teacher requested students to have some performance in the party, well some Vietnamese had guitar performance, Mongolian had a traditional dance performance, and uh-em, five of us (Malaysian+Singaporean+Indonesian) performed A-capella singing, lolx! We didn't really prepare for it, somemore at the night before the party, we decided to sing "Rasa Sayang" last minute, other than the a-capella song we learnt from the club. Nevermind, I've uploaded the video here, after viewing it then you'll know how "unprepared" we were =.="

Cake! Oh my god!
I like it sooo much!
The plate was small, and I think I ate more than 5 plates of these =p
The Malaysians & Singaporean.
Here we are! Kampai! 乾杯!
Pre-undergraduate students.
My classmates and sensei.
Ia, Adina, me, Duy, いたみ先生, Batchunag, Fernando, Nodir.
Singing? =.="
Me & friends.
Look at this class. The sensei so cute hehe.
Me and Pang.
Zho-siao look =p
Le Ngoc Huyen(Vietnamese), Esther, LC, me, Pang & Kyoon(Korean).
I'm with food all the time =p
Tah-da! So international! =)
At the a-capella class after the welcome party.
There were food left over and we were asked to bring back some =p

吉祥寺 と タイ食べ放題
Kichijoji & Thai Buffet
Finally I went to Kichijoji. I love this place so much! There were a lot of shops and restaurants! And yeah, I miss curry so much and finally I got the chance to eat it hooray! The Thai buffet is not expensive and not bad, at least I can eat something which is hardly to be found here, but too bad there was no Tomyam T.T Thanks seniors for accompanying us.

Along the main street.
The Thai restaurant.
Esther, Kang from Korea & me.
Buffet! The choices weren't that much, but it's quite worth actually.
Everyone was so hungry, kept staring at the food =p
My first round. Well I ate 2 plates of this, and a bit smaller plate in the 3rd round =p (with desserts afterwards) Why they have this kind of plate, seems like the plate in jail =.="
I looked very satisfied right =)
The restaurant.
Cutlet Lunch. Ha I like this menu =p
Here we come! Ice-cream after shopping!
Nice nice Baskin Robbins.Arhhh! Caramel Praline Cheesecake flavour! Sooo nice!
Lastly, this is the so-called A-capella performance
(a bit siasoi though =.=")

Monday, May 18, 2009


最近好忙, 有好多东西想blog但都没有时间.
昨天玩了一整天, 好开心却好累,
结果今早竟然睡过头, 错过了一堂课 argh! =.="

虽然我不会烹饪, 但没想到原来煮出来的食物并没有想象中那么差!=p
不管煮什么, 我只放大葱, 蒜头, 酱油 =.="
爸妈, 这些都是我开始学做的菜, 厉害吧? =p
民耀, 我可以跟你比较了吧? (不要脸! =p)

还可以吧?第一次而已嘛! lolx!
好多大葱 =)
我的"杰作" =p
只能怪我井底之蛙, 不懂什么是什么菜, 就任买一种青菜, 煮了这完面线汤.
Spaghetti Carbonara.
韩国朋友给的! 想起之前在新加坡吃的, 好怀念!朋友在鎌倉买的半月形绿茶夹心饼干, 好好吃!香脆的面包, 口感有点像mexico bun! =)面包! 我的最爱! 能想象这面包有多大吗?看到我的手吗? 那面包就是这么大! 我一天的早餐 =) 给家人的信, 只可惜来不及趁母亲节之前寄回去.
给民耀的信! 我好喜欢这个信封!
[Girls Happiness]
[The girl is happy if there is a sweets.]
只买了这些寄回家, 因为越重就越贵 =.="

p/s: Blog to be updated again soon (Welcome party & Kichijoji outing)!