Blue : かぶと (Kabuto) - 昔の侍の帽子 (Soldier's helmet in the old time?)
Light blue: 魚 (Sakana) - Fish
Orange: 鶴 (Tsuru) - Crane
In fact, she let us try this to help us practising one of the grammar that we just learnt few days ago (~とおりに ...). Suzuki sensei is so nice that she always let us have some practicals so that we can easier remember those things we have learnt, and last time she gave us some chocolates and 煎餅 (senbei) too when we were learning how to say "give and receive" in Japanese (~あげる、~くれる、~もらう).
Looking at the 鶴 make me recall something. There is a box with many many paper cranes inside at my room in Penang. It's the gift given by him. The box is separated into two sides, all the cranes are kept at one side, and I was supposed to move one of the cranes from that side to another side every month until year 2015. The more the numbers of paper cranes I move, it means we have been together for that long already. 10 years, yeah it is our promise, and I wish we can really do it. (However I left it in Penang, boh bian la impossible ask me to bring it to Japan right? =p)
24 days more! Yuhooo! (白痴, 每天都在倒数... =.=")
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