Saturday, August 22, 2009


Tonight onwards, I am going to join homestay programme at Karumai-cho, Iwate-ken (軽米町,岩手県) for 10 days. It's a village somewhere at the north of Japan and below 北海道. Well, I am going to have another new host family for these 10 days. Hope that all of us would enjoy this homestay programme. It's great that the place is cooler than the freaking hot Tokyo in this summer =.=" Finally I have done 90% of my packing which I usually take very long time to do it. My term will start at the 1st of Sep, which means my SUMMER BREAK is going to end very soon T.T

Ha, yesterday was my first time to cook curry chicken by my own, from the beginning to the end, hooray! Friends said that it tasted good, although it's a bit too dry. I should have just thanked to the curry spice given by mum, the curry was good mainly due to the curry spice but not my cooking skill. I would just say, the one cooked by mum is 100 times more oishii than the one I cooked. But one thing to feel proud is that, luckily I didn't blow up the kitchen =p Should I also prepare curry chicken during the homestay? できるかな...

Heard that H1N1 is really serious back in Malaysia. Oh man, please take good care of yourselves. Family and friends, I need you all very much. I wish, I really wish to see you all in good condition when I return to Penang in December, promise me okay? 爸妈, 一定要照顾好自己的身体啊!

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