Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Skin care

Awwww my skin is like shit now T.T It's good to have "free air-conditioner" but it dehumidifies my skin! Argh can't stand for it already, it's very very dry especially everytime I come back from outside. What to do, I am an idiot on those skin care stuffs. Whatever, simply buy some lotion to try then 0.0

Kose milk lotion & mask.
I look stupid bwuhaha nevermind I don't care about my image =p
I like the bottle =D but is it effective? @.@

1 comment:

jackson yang said...

May be I can give you some advise?

1) everytime before u go out, apply some oily body lotion on ur body part, except face.

2) for face, try to make a thin make up with abit of oily make up stuff. It will prevent the water from your skin to dry out. (stewardness always do that in the flight)

3) drink more water, and always apply necessary make up when there's need.

4) use oily body shampoo will help it also

Hope all these will help out abit lah